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Sleepy Hollow.....

'Sleepy Hollow': Ichabod Crane Has an Admirer — and It's Hilarious

"Your dedication to colonial war re-enactment is so impressive"

Sleepy Hollow S02E05 Consoling Still - H 2014
'Sleepy Hollow'

Someone has a crush on Ichabod Crane — and he doesn't quite know how to handle it.

The Hollywood Reporter exclusively premieres a scene from Monday's episode of Sleepy Hollow, "The Weeping Lady," wherein Ichabod (Tom Mison) learns that Caroline (Laura Spencer) is deeply in lust with him.
"I've never met anyone like you, Ichabod," Caroline begins. "Your dedication to colonial war re-enactment is so impressive. You never break character." Then it all starts to make sense for Ichabod, who tries to dispel rumors that he's merely a character player: "Well, one might say it's a way of life."
"It's inspiring," Caroline replies, before revealing her true feelings toward Ichabod, "and to be honest, kind of … attractive."
Things get dangerously intimate between Ichabod and Caroline before Ichabod tells her that he's in fact a married man, something she has a hard time believing, considering he rarely discusses Katrina (Katia Winter) at will. "I assure you my wife is alive and well," Ichabod says, right when Abbie (Nicole Beharie) barges in, causing Caroline to believe the two partners are married.
After Caroline scurries out of the cabin embarrassed, Abbie finds the entire situation amusing: "Anyone can tell that girl had a case of Crane on the brain."
Watch the funny scene below.


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